Preaching is Important

June 3, 2011

  I recently read a post on a blog about small churches in which the writer said she loved everything about small church except she would hate to give up good Bible preaching.  There seems to be a misconception out there that a little congregation must have inferior preaching.

  Let me assure you that such is not the case.  I have been in hundreds of small churches and heard some of the finest preaching to be found.  It is true that many mega church pastors have people on staff to do extra research, find illustrations, etc. But in the end, it is the relationship between the pastor and God that determines the quality of the sermon.

  Preaching is so very important.  I know that it is popular today to replace the traditional sermon with drama, musical programs, and other good depictions of the gospel.  But it is the foolishness of preaching that has been greatly used for centuries to reach hearts for Jesus.

  Perhaps we preachers need to update some things a bit.  We already know we can't preach as long as in former times.  It was said that J. R. Graves, pastor of First Baptist Church, Memphis in a former century, could preach for two hours and hold people's attention.  No modern pastor would presume to be able to keep a congregation that long.

  But I don't believe tweeking things to reach a new generation means throwing out the basics of preaching.  We still need to present the word of God in a sermon as the central part of our worship experience.

  Jesus preached.  The disciples preached.  The church for the past two centuries has preached.  Our modern churches need to continue to preach the word of God. The lost need to be told the gospel and the saved need to be fed.  Nothing can do this quite as well as preaching


The Small Church as a Clinic Instead of a Hospital

April 1, 2011

  Most of my life I have heard people refer to the church as a hospital for the spiritually ill.  It is a good comparison as people who need spiritual healing often seek out the church just as those who need physical healing go to the local hospital.

  But there is a new breed of people in America today.  We are now dealing with a generation of folks who were not raised in church.  Many adults today have never seen the inside of a church building except for an occasional wedding or funeral. ...

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Being a Truly Friendly Church

February 20, 2011

  I have never run across a church that did not consider itself to be friendly.  Ask any active member of any congregation and they will tell you that their congregation is one of the friendliest in town.

  The problem is that not every outsider sees it that way.  Many a visitor has been turned off by what they felt was a cold attitude at a church they had tried out.  So it is obvious that friendliness or at least the perception of it can be measured in different ways.

  I submit that a chu...

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Counseling in the Small Church

February 1, 2011

  Small church pastors are called upon to fill many shoes.  They are there at weddings, births, and deaths.  They go to the hospital to pray with the sick of the church.  Sometimes they are the only non-family member some shut ins see.  All of this is in addition to the regular duties of teaching, preaching, praying, studying, and witnessing.

  And very often they are called upon to serve as counselor.  From marital problems to sin issues, he is expected to listen to and have answers for a l...

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Why Mess with Social Networks?

January 25, 2011

  Many churches and religious organizations have a facebook page.  You can follow man ministry leaders on Twitter.  Other social networking sites offer a number of Christian ministry choices to view.

  But many small church leaders have to be asking “Is it worth the trouble?”  Small church pastors tend to be over extended already.  Maintaining a facebook site or tweeting your latest theological thoughts seems like a lot to ask for someone with limited time.

  You have to consider the bi...

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Why Mess with Social Networks?

January 20, 2011

  Many churches and religious organizations have a facebook page.  You can follow man ministry leaders on Twitter.  Other social networking sites offer a number of Christian ministry choices to view.

  But many small church leaders have to be asking "Is it worth the trouble?"  Small church pastors tend to be over extended already.  Maintaining a facebook site or tweeting your latest theological thoughts seems like a lot to ask for someone with limited time.

  You have to consider the bigge...

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Can the Church Learn from Coke?

December 8, 2010

  In my last post I made some comparisons to the marketing strategy of Mountain Dew and the church sharing the gospel.  The main thing to remember from that article is that the soft drink maker changed their marketing but kept their product the same (although someone pointed out that the formula was changed in 1960, but that was long before the time period I dealt with).  In the same way some churches may need to update the methods they use to reach a lost and dying world with the saving gosp...

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Can the Church Learn from Mountain Dew?

November 16, 2010

  When i was a kid Mt. Dew had a very different marketing strategy than they do today.  Back then the soft drink maker used a hillbilly theme.  There was a picture of a hillbilly aiming a gun at a fleeing man on the front.  On the neck of the bottle was the same hillbilly holding a jug with the cork popping off and putting a hole in his hat.  And on the back was the company's profound slogan "It'll tickle your innards" (now how's that for a catchy phrase!).  Although this motif had the bevera...

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The Price of Children

November 9, 2010

  Every small church wants to have children...or so they say.  I mean, after all, kids are the future of the church, right?  If you don't have them, it is a sign that you are on your way down and one day your congregation will be gone.  So it is a foregone conclusion--you want to have children around.

  Or is it so certain.  You see, having children in your church comes with a price tag attached.  Things aren't like they were when you were a kid coming up in church.  They aren't even like th...

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The Glory can Return

November 1, 2010

  This is the last article in a series on the book of Ezekiel as it relates to the small church.

  1 Afterward he brought me to the gate, the gate that faces toward the east. 2 And behold, the glory of the God of Israel came from the way of the east. His voice was like the sound of many waters; and the earth shone with His glory. 3 It was like the appearance of the vision which I saw—like the vision which I saw when I[a] came to destroy the city. The visions werelike the vision which I ...

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About Me

Terry Reed
Wynne, Arkansas
Terry Reed


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